Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Star Wars: Phantom Menace 3D Re-Release Trailer

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Star Wars, all six movies, are being re-released in theaters so that George Lucas can tinker with the 3D format as a way to loosen your wallet. The whole thing kicks off with Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, returning to theaters in 3D on February 10. And now that re-release has a trailer. The trailer you’re about to watch makes a big deal about how great this is going to be in 3D, but the trailer itself is in 2D, and looks fantastic. If anything I’d say they’ve accidentally made a case for why this doesn’t actually need to be in 3D. It looks about as good as anything can look in 2D, and you don’t need funny glasses. Check it out: It’s worth noting that they’ve continued on with the marketing plan laid out by the Phantom Menace re-release’s first poster. That one sheet emphasized Darth Maul heavily, and Jar Jar Binks. The trailer does pretty much the same, there’s a lot of Darth Maul. They even work in one of his very, very few lines of dialogue. Meanwhile Jar Jar does not appear anywhere in this trailer. Now if only they’ve also found a way to remove him from the movie, there might actually be a good reason to pay the movie theater’s 3D surcharge to re-watch Phantom Menace.

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