Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

Beyonce's Baby is Due in February!

Clear your schedules: Jay-Z and Beyonce's baby will be born in February! The singer announced her due date on Australian talk show Sunday Night, and talked (some more) about what it's like to be young, fabulous and preggers: [Being pregnant] already has changed my life. My husband and I have been together for 10 years, all of my twenties," she said. "I just feel like it's time and I'm very grateful that God has blessed me with the biggest gift any human can have." She added: "I think because I've accomplished a lot of things for myself and I really know who I am, I didn't rush into anything," she explained. "If there's any time, right now is the time, and I'm so happy." Bey also talked about taking a break from the spotlight and shifting her priorities: "It was a bit overwhelming," she said. "I was a bit numb and kind of lost." I never even realized I needed a year off. I never realized I don't know how to take a year off," she added. "I've been managed by my father for a long time, and it's been a real change being separated from him. It was scary, but it empowered me." Hold on, a year off? Break from the spotlight? If promoting an album, launching a record label and walking in a runway show--not to mention hitting up every red carpet in sight--is Bey's version of taking it easy, we seriously wonder what's in store for her impressionable unborn child. The poor kid is probably learning choreography in the womb. Enjoy your maternity leave, Bey. There will be plenty of goals for you to overachieve once the baby comes.

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